Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Blood Will Tell ~ by Meredith Mansfield!!

Hey bloggy friends!!  One of my amazing crit partners just put one of her novels up on Smashwords and Amazon.

If you're in the mood for a great contemporary dragon fantasy with a twist - you NEED to check this out!

Here're the links to finding BLOOD WILL TELL by Meredith Mansfield:

Smashwords: https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/154196

Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Blood-Will-Tell-Chimeria-ebook/dp/B007WGBNII/ref=sr_1_20?s=digital-text&ie=UTF8&qid=1349898063&sr=1-20&keywords=blood+will+tell

Thanks and I'm audi!!  (although, I will be back shortly with a fascinating comparison of dog pics and writing novels...stay tuned!!)

Happy Tuesday!