Happy Friday to all of you ~ my lovely, talented, kind, supportive, awesome fellow bloggers and writing friends!! I feel like I've been distant lately ~ not visiting, commenting, or responding like I need to. No excuses, here. But, I am sorry... :(
Sadly, not sorry enough to keep me from bragging...a little... *semi-evilly laughs*
Here's a pic or two for the day:
A shiny new book!! No really - it's shiny! |
And it has an awesome signature in it! |
I have the good fortune of living close to a cute little independent bookstore called
The King's English, which just happens to be a local haunt for some awesome Utah authors. They host several signing events and launch parties every year and I went to one on the 8th. Any guesses who I met?
>:D (you're seething jealousy about now, right?)
Can I just say - our reigning blog queen, query ninja, and lover of all things bacon gave the most inspiring, heartfelt, witty, fun, clever, touching, eloquent, charming and humble speech about her journey to publication and just what the launch and release of POSSESSION meant to her. Ah, I kind of wished I'd taped it.
Elana Johnson's words - too cool. I imagine myself tripping over my words with too many hmmms and uhhhs, but Elana didn't stumble once. Should I be so lucky to publish and launch a book some day ~ I hope I can deliver my own words as seamlessly and as entertainingly as she delivered hers.
And can I also just say - the love in that room...wow. She packed the house. What an amazing support system she has in all her different worlds. I'll admit, I'm a little jealous. I'm sure her close friends would agree that it's a gift to be in Elana's inner circle of awesome. I brought my daughter with me and she kept saying about Elana, "Wow, she's just so nice!"
Anyhoo!! I'm almost positive that everyone who follows my blog has either already read an arc of POSSESSION, had pre-ordered it for delivery on the 7th, or rushed out last Tuesday to buy it and DEVOUR it! But, just in case you haven't...?? I have a signed copy I'd like to give away.
Simple entry -
(U.S. followers, only - so sorry!!) 1 - be a follower 2 - comment about a book signing you attended, or a rule you've broken in the past.
Easy peasy!! I'll announce the winner next Friday - so comment away!!!