Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Beautiful Girl...

I was late to work today because I had to help Alex with her hair. Picture day!!! I braided it last night so that it would come out all curly/crimpy today. It might have been a tad TOO crimpy/poofy - but I think the overall affect was too cute! What do you think? (If you hate it, I'm adding the disclaimer that "hair" has never been my thing and Alex has been doing her own for years...but, I digress) However, when I got home - Alex informed me that these pics were the ones they try to get you to buy a million of for no reason whatsoever (except to have cute pics of your child) and not the year book picture. She was bummed. She wanted the "outfit" in the year book and says she can't wear it twice for picture days. (this is me rolling my eyes) I told her no body would remember in a few months...

1 comment:

karenpb said...

She looks so cute! I hope she'll wear the outfit again.