The inspired Ellie Garratt has declared Aug. 22 as
"The Day of Star Trek Love!!" Ok, well...I might have rearranged her phrasing a bit...but, if you pop on over to her blog
HERE, you will see a whole list of people blogging about their favorite Star Trek episodes and characters.
And if you aren't familiar with Star Trek....well. I was going to type that "you're lame", but that seemed kind of mean, so I'll go with: "You're totally missing out!!!" Anyone who appreciates imagination will appreciate Star Trek. :)
I'm supposed to list my five favorite characters and episodes. But, I decided I needed to also include my 5 Trekkie crushes:
Ensign Wesley Crusher - oh, yes. Wes started it all! I have a thing for a man in a Star fleet uniform to this day! :)
Commander William T. Riker - dude. Ok, I know he's happily married to Laura (of Luke and Laura fame), but I still have dreams about this man from time to time. Can't seem to help myself.
(source: found google images) Yeah, I'm totally PRO facial hair! |
Captain Jean-Luc Picard - what can I say...I'm a sucker for accents. Plus, he's one slick Captain!
Dr. Bashir - tall, dark and doctor-y. Yum!
Chakotay - (it was totally the tattoo...)
FAVORITE CHARACTERS: (in no specific order)
Jadzia Dax ~ the lovely Terry Farrell. She was just so versatile! She could hang with the guys, she could hang with the gals, and with any number of alien species. And they all loved her. And, seriously - who couldn't appreciate a few lifetimes worth of knowledge??
#2: Again - have to put
Jean-Luc here. He was just the perfect captain. So authoritative, loyal, majestic, really. To put it plainly - PICARD ROCKS!
Captain Kathryn Janeway. Of course I have to give props to the only female Captain to head a Star Trek spin-off. And I thought she did a GREAT job!!
Data: I just had to pick this adorable android. Most of the time I just wanted to give him a hug. I had fun watching his journey towards becoming more human.
Worf: the big guy just kind of grows on you. PLUS - his dedication to Star Fleet command is more than evident. I think his character has more screen time in the entire franchise of anyone! Kudos, Mr. Dorn!
Ok - so, at this point I know some of you might be wondering why you don't see the names of any "originals" in my lists so far. Well...(not sure I should admit this...) my love for Star Trek started with TNG. I've never entirely been a fan of Kirk and Spock...(don't hit me!) I know - it's practically sacrilegious to admit. But, I did like some of the movies. That counts, right?
Anyhow - onto FAVORITE EPISODES: (again, in no particular order)
#1: I SOOO wish I had a holo-deck... So, naturally - my 1st pick features this wonder of future technology:
Star Trek: TNG Season 2: Elementary, Dear Data. Sherlock/Data at his finest!
#2: Aside from maybe, Voyager's Vidiians...the BORG have got to be the CREEPIEST Star Trek villains!! And imagine my shock when my buddy Picard was made one of them!!! I give you
Star Trek: TNG's "The Best of Both World's: Part I". The AWESOME cliff-hanger episode of Season 3.
(source: found by googling image - Locutus) |
Star Trek: DS9's: Tears of the Prophet, the end of Season 6 and also of Jadzia Dax. This was such an emotionally charged episode!! And I remember being SOOO upset that they killed off Jadzia!! Plus - the release of the Pah Wraith...creepy. And Gul Dukat was at his creepy best! But, then they juxtaposed all this heart-ache with humor. Poor Quark and Bashir...they just never had a shot with Dax. Great episode!
Star Trek: Voyager's: Fair Haven, from Season 6. I always felt a little sad for Kathryn... the only guy hitting on her was Q - and she'd have NONE of that! She got so lonely that she had to create the perfect man for herself.
#5: (see, I've slipped Capt. Kirk in here somewhere!!)
The movie: Star Trek: Generations. Even though James T. met his end in this movie - it was just AWESOME to see him and Picard working together to defeat the bad guy. Probably not THE favorite movie among many, but I really liked this one.
So, there you have it!!
Have I picked any of your favorites? And if not - please share one I might have missed!!
Write long and prosper!